Here is a highlight of our current and past projects.
Regional Training Site - Medical (RTS-MED)
RTS-MED is responsible for executing training for reserve component medical units, other Army components, joint medical units, and civil authorities by providing integrated combat health support training and logistical support. The two primary sites are Camp Parks, CA, which includes the sub-site at Fort Hunter-Liggett, CA; and Fort Eisenhower, GA. RTS-MED activities include individual and collective clinical, organizational, and Warrior Task training; Biomedical maintenance support and training; logistics support; training support; exercise support; test bed for Research and Development programs; post-mobility/pre- deployment support; and disaster contingency support. These sites offer realistic training on several versions of medical simulators in state-of-the-art facilities and complete tactical deployable medical systems (DEPMEDS).
Medical Modeling and Simulation Training (MMAST)
TSG is a leading provider of medical simulation experts for the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy under the Medical Modeling and Simulation Training (MMAST) Programs, as well as Subject Matter Experts in civilian and law enforcement Programs of Instruction with hands-on Training and Validation. Support services tasks include local Simulation Program Management, Operations and Maintenance, and Program Management Office (PMO) staff support. TSG personnel support simulation capabilities at Military Treatment Facilities (MTF’s) and Operational Training Sites both within the continental United States (CONUS) and outside of CONUS (OCONUS).
Synthetic Training Environment for
Multimodal Medical Training (STEM 3T)
TSG conducted research and development to select, design, and develop scenarios. The scenarios identified and documented learning goals, constructed measurable objectives, and outcomes, and critical errors. The scenario design utilized a performance framework and assessment (xAPI) appropriate for the selected learner's experience. The scenarios were developed using the ADDIE Model. SALUS provided Medical Subject Matter Expert (SME) Curriculum Developers, Physician Medical Subject Experts, Physician Simulation Subject Experts, Simulationists, and Simulation Operators. The research included an in-depth study of injury patterns that have been identified during the Global War on Terror and Special Operations forces operating in austere environments. SALUS then researched the treatment capabilities starting at point of injury. Prolonged field care (PFC), Army Aeromedical Evacuation, and nonstandard casualty evacuation (CASEVAC) with transfer to Airforce Aeromedical Evacuation (AE, Critical Care Air Transport Team (CCATT), and ultimately treatment at an Airforce or Army modular field medical system. The scenarios were developed to include blended technology with some scenarios being virtual only, most included a mix of hybrid, multi-model, blended strategy and technology, utilizing a combination of virtual, Human Patient Simulators, and Medical Part task trainers.
VISN 10 Mobile Medical Simulation Training Program-Dayton VA Medical Center
SALUS provided high-quality mobile medical simulation training and educational assessment services that improved clinical decision-making and care delivery of healthcare teams consisting of doctors, nurses, dentists, social workers, allied health and clinic administrative staff working in 11 medical centers (7 complex level 1 facilities), the independent Columbus, OH Ambulatory Care clinic and a network of 58 Community Based Outpatient Clinics in the Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) 10. SALUS performed a training gap analysis, then developed and used innovative multi-dimensional simulation training scenarios and events to address national priorities, regional concerns and local needs. SALUS conducted VISN 10 mobile training activities augmented with in situ events, e.g. mock codes, staff development workshops and one-day and two-day standardized patient-based conferences.
SALUS contractors also supported one-day and two-day standardized patient-based conferences. SALUS also led a three-day active shooter exercise at the Dayton VA Medical Center involving the local police department, SWAT team and fire department. Activities were accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education. Learner evaluations were very positive with the overwhelming majority (95-100%) of learners interested in attending similar activities. Compared to 2013, SALUS expanded the program in 2016 and trained five times more learners. SALUS contractors supported the establishment of partnerships with individuals across multiple organizations both internal and external to the VA, to include academic institutions, which provided unique access to many of the world's thought leaders in a variety of simulation-related domains from virtual reality to task training.